Monday, August 2, 2010

iLove vs Connecting where you are

 One of the most compelling aspects of Jesus’ ministry was that he as God came and hung out with us. God came from heaven and to earth, human, putting down his power and position to fully participate in life on earth.

When I was younger I used to translate this to mean that the most effective thing I could do with my life was to go somewhere, to become a missionary in Africa or somewhere foreign to my way of life.

Thankfully I’ve realized that the key is that I fully participate in life, and live openly in relationship with those who already share my world. What is transforming, does not necessarily require a total relocation of my world, but rather be fully part of the life presented around me.

There’s a sense in which this might seem easier. It doesn’t take the huge sacrifice of family, friends and finances. However it still requires a culture shift. A move from i-centred to other-centred. An understanding that actually the way we treat people in small moments can affect their day, their world. It can be as simple as remembering someone’s name, or the way they like their coffee.

It can be letting yourself become familiar to local people in a large city, shopping at the same places and spending a few seconds checking in, rather than quickly making your purchase and rushing to get on with your day.

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” Mother Teresa

Too often we are focused on the next thing, where we’re going or what we’ve come from, that we let the moments pass by. We let the time to connect with people pass us by.

I’ve been guilty of not feeling I have the capacity to engage in the small things. I’m tired, too busy. This revolutionary love does not take a talented or particularly merciful few. Great love does not need great acts for it to be demonstrated. It is in doing those small things with great love.

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.
Mother Teresa

There is something powerful about truly connecting with people. It takes the ability to prioritise others in the many moments throughout our day. To forget our preoccupation with ourselves, our business and truly acknowledge another. To take the time to see a person in their world, for all their going through, and all they could be.

When two people connect, something is poured out from one and into the other that has the power to heal the soul of its deepest wounds and restore it to health. Larry Crabb (1997) (xi, Connecting :Healing for ourselves and our relationships, A radical new vision) W Publishing Group, Nashville.

How much do you hold back yourself from fully connecting with others in the small moments throughout the day?

How could you participate more fully and openly in your world?

What is one action you could take today to be more open and present in the moment?

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